Couple Therapy Training Program
Albert Brok, PhD, CGP, Director, Ellen Gussaroff, PhD, LCSW, Co-Director & Delverlon Hall, LCSW, Assistant Director

Mini Workshop Series 2018

Finding the Fear: Understanding and Dissolving Blocks to Intimacy

Saturday, April 21, 2018
10:30 AM- 1:30 PM

Lee D. Kassan, MA, CGP, LFAGPA

Three Contact Hours for Social Workers

Fear has many faces in couple relationships. This workshop will present an approach grounded in attachment theory to help couples shift from conflict to genuine intimacy. Lee Kassan will teach principles and demonstrate interventions using role play volunteers to highlight how attachment fears sabotage fulfillment in the life of couples. 
Lee Kassan, MA is Editor of the Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society. He is a Psychoanalyst as well as a Couple and Group Therapist and is a Life Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (LFAGPA).
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the four basic attachment styles.
  • Identify attachment-based fears that emerge in couple dynamics
  • Recognize effective interventions to address fears in a couple's conflicts
  • Understand how disarming fears can further intimacy in couple relationships

For information contact Hilary Ryglewicz, 917-861-9927 or

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TIMH students may attend for free.

To Register by phone, please call (212) 627-8181.

You may mail your registration with check to:
Training Institute for Mental Health
115 West 27th Street, 4th Floor
New York , NY 10001