Dealing with Pathological Narcissism
Presented by: Nancy McWilliams
November 13th at 7:00 pm
2 CEUs will be offered for this workshop
Program Description
The DSM’s “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” and articles about the toxic effects of pathological narcissism have recently been getting a lot of attention, and often distortion, in the popular press. What do therapists need to know to help both narcissistic individuals and those who suffer in relationships with them? Dr. McWilliams will discuss the continuum from healthy narcissism to malignant narcissism and psychopathy. She will explore both the more arrogant clinical presentations of narcissistic personality problems and the extensive literature on converse versions of narcissistic preoccupation (“covert”, “depressed-depleted”, “hyper-vigilant”, or “closet” narcissism). She will mention theories of etiology, including both individual experience and social and developmental contexts. The overall emphasis will be on practical implications for clinicians treating not only individuals with narcissistic dynamics, but also patients who face the problems that narcissistically driven others pose to personal relationships, family connections, and workplace and institutional functioning.
Inquiries: Please email Heather deCastro at
Nancy McWilliams, Ph.D. teaches at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology and practices in Lambertville, New Jersey. She is the author of Psychoanalytic Diagnosis (1994, rev. ed. 2011), Psychoanalytic Case Formulation (1999), and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (2004) and is an associate editor of both editions of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (2006, 2017). A former president of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, she has been featured in three APA videos of master clinicians. She is on the Board of Trustees of the Austen Riggs Center. Her books are available in 20 languages; she lectures widely both nationally and internationally.
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