Looking for Affect Regulation and Attachment in All the Wrong Places: Using Affect and Attachment Theory to Address Out of Control Sexual Behaviors

Presented by Michael M. Crocker, DSW, LCSW

Hosted on Zoom

3 CE Credits for NYS Social Workers

Often times Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors are related to affect regulation and the coping mechanisms of those who struggle with various types of insecure-attachment. This workshop provides an ecological overview on how to understand the etiology of Out of Control Behaviors and how to most effectively treat these symptoms and their underlying psychological meaning. The workshop will examine the use of individual, couples and group treatment as well as the use of 12 step meetings for behavioral/process addictions.

General Admission - $40
TIMH Students & Interns - Free with RSVP at tifmh@earthlink.net


Michael Crocker, DSW, LCSW has a doctorate in clinical social work as well as two masters degrees; one in organizational behavior and industrial psychology and the other in socials work. Additionally he has three postgraduate certificates in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. He is the founder of the Sexuality, Attachment & Trauma Project, a group practice of clinicians who treat issues of Out-of-Control Sexual Behavior and other Trauma related disorders. His group practice includes individual, group and couples psychotherapy.